Thursday, November 14, 2013


Operation Determination is turning 1 today!
1 year ago today I started writing this blog
and what a roller coaster year it has been!
I started Operation Determination
to share my health and fitness journey,
to show you that you are not alone in your struggles,
to inspire others around me to start their journey,
to hold myself accountable,
and to document my journey for myself
so I can look back on it over time.
Over the past few days I found myself
going back and reading all of my posts
and reliving some of the ups and downs from the past year.
I realize that posts haven't always been consistent
and have been all over the board
but that is because life happens!
This year has taught me lot
and one of those things is to
You just never know when that might not be an option anymore.

I would have to say
that this past year brought
with it the lowest of lows for me-
it was tough but it has also made me stronger!
Going through all of that
has helped me appreciate so many things!
My journey over this past year

 has helped me appreciate
and celebrate the good times-

This year was filled with them!

From time with family,

new adventures,

and vacations

to running my first marathon-

it has been an incredible journey! 

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