Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pardon My Streaking

I have been streaking in the past and surprisingly I really enjoyed it! Actually my husband and I went streaking together for the first time a year ago. NO, NO, NO.... I am not referring to "that" kind of streaking- this is a fitness/running/family blog! 
I am talking about a run streak where you run at least one mile every day. I am always up for a good challenge so when I came across the Runner's World Summer Run Streak last year I knew that we had to go for it. We did great and managed to do the whole streak from Memorial Day until the Fourth of July. There were a few times that we had to get creative but in the end- WE DID IT!
In November we started streaking together again when the 2012 Holiday Run Streak began (Thanksgiving through New Years). We did great up until a big snow storm hit closing the Y and making it unsafe to run outside.
Once again, it is time for the Runner's World Summer Run Streak and of course we had to take the challenge! Tim and I have been streaking since May 27th!
Yesterday I made running daily one of my goals for The Weekly Chase this week. At this point I need to adjust that goal... the streak just isn't going to happen for me this time around! As much as I love a challenge and it is so hard for me to not finish something I have started- I NEED to be done with the run streak! I have been dealing with some nagging pains in my right leg and right foot and I don't think it is in my best interest to continue with the streak. I am afraid to say that the streak came too soon after finishing the marathon and I don't think I gave my body enough rest.
My new goal for this week, to replace my run a mile a day, is to stretch and foam roll daily and do what is needed to get my leg feeling better!
 I can't even begin to explain how true this statement is for me! Just over three years ago it was so hard to START but now I find myself in the position that I can't STOP! I think I jumped into the run streak because over the past several months training for the marathon was my habit and once it was over I didn't know what to do with myself- I was lost without it!
Have you streaked before? Are you currently streaking?
Do you struggle with rest/recovery like I do? Any tips to make it easier?


  1. I hope your leg is feeling better! It is so hard to rest up when you are determined to be active.

    I almost made it though the winter run streak - I had to stop about 5 days short because an old hip injury was flaring up. Still - I ran over 30 days straight!

  2. I have not done a run streak, my body is too injury prone to handle it plus my runs suffer. I struggle with rest too, I am trying really hard to take at least 1 day off anything heavy and just walk or do pilates.

  3. Good for you! Keep it up even if it means running .1 miles some days! I can't say I am because I ran my half Saturday and am still recovering!
    emma @ a mom runs this town . com
