Monday, August 5, 2013


I hope everyone had a great weekend (and past couple of weeks).
It has been a while since my last post where I talked about life getting crazy and me getting slightly overwhelmed. I am ok with that little break- sometimes you just need to take a break and re-evaluate things!  Over the last couple of weeks I have taken the time to look at things, get reorganized and to get myself motivated to continue on my journey to creating a healthy lifestyle for me and my family.
Things didn't really go "wrong" in my life over the past couple of weeks- I just found myself WAY off track.I found myself spiraling out of control which caused me to doubt myself and lose focus on my goals. This picture summed it up when I came across it this morning -  I am taking this opportunity to YELL "PLOT TWIST!!!!" I am ready to change things up and move on!
A recent post by Marissa at Let's Move It Mommas came at just the right time and really got me thinking! I have taken time to think about my goals and priorities- to lose weight, to stop gaining and losing the same 10 pounds, to be healthy, to get my family involved and be active together, to change our eating habits! I have decided that I am not going to stay where I am. I am ready to start moving forward again in order to reach my goals. I am going to Refuse to Quit!!
It is a new week and I am using that as a new start! I am ready to start setting daily and weekly goals again and I am more determined than ever to do what I need to do to reach them.

I have learned from the past several weeks and I am ready to change my direction, take action, and go forward. Who is with me? Have you found yourself off track recently? Are you ready to change things up and go forward?   

It is time to set some goals for the week with the Weekly Chase!
It is a new month and that also means a new Weekly Chase challenge. Mindy at Road Runner Girl has give us the Get Back To It challenge - how appropriate for where I am right now!! Here is Mindy's explanation: This month I want you to think of one thing in your life that you used to do and wish you were still doing. Maybe you used to exercise 4 days a week. Maybe you used to cook more meals for your family. Whatever it is...this month let's Get Back To It!
My goals for this week:
Run 4 times - Half marathon training has started and I will stick to my training plan!
Drink more water (challenge goal)- I was good at this and got off track- time to Get Back To It!
Try 1 new healthy recipe
Do something active as a family
Try a new "active" activity
Make healthy choices when it comes to meals and snacks.


  1. So glad you are back chasing goals with us Heather!!! Good luck this week!

  2. love the goals and motivation! have a great, inspiring week :)
