Monday, June 16, 2014

Relay for Life 2014

Relay for Life has been a family tradition for the past several years.
Our family, like so many others,
 has been touched by cancer in numerous ways!
It really is scary!
Because of that it is important for us to support this amazing cause!
This year I wasn't sure I was going to be able to participate due to work.
It was my weekend off and I kept telling my mom that I would be coming.
Then a few weeks ago, I realized that I was scheduled to work the Friday
which would make it impossible for me to make it in time.
It was so hard to tell my mom that I wouldn't make it!
I knew how much it meant to my mom and grandma and I felt awful.
Isaac's team was also going to be the Dream Team at the La Crosse Logger's game
and I also wanted to be there for that and could make it after work.
In talking about it with Tim we decided that missing the Logger's game wouldn't
be as big of a deal as missing Relay for Life if I could get it worked out.
He promised to take pictures and I knew that I would hear plenty of stories!
I was only "placed" in a spot at work until 3pm
and after that I would be extra so I talked to my boss early last week
and she told me I could leave at 3 unless there were sick calls
or other needs that afternoon- if there were I would be expected to help cover those.
Lucky for me everything was looking good and I was able to head out
and made it with time to spare!
Mom and I got to spend some time together checking out a couple of local shops
and then headed to Relay for Life.
Last year was my first year participating as a survivor and it was emotional.
This year was no different!
I thought it would get easier this year
and it maybe did in some ways-
I didn't have that same nervous energy as I did last year walking up to register
and I wasn't seeing luminaries with my name on them for the first time-
none the less, it was still emotional!
It still brought the whole experience back.
It made me really think about how lucky I am
and how blessed I am-
I have so much love and support
from my family and friends!
Me (2 links for my 2 years) & Grandma Betty (32 links for her 32 years)
The rest of the events went much like last year-
we listened to the opening speakers (once again- could relate to much of what they were saying),
 got the survivor picture (still crazy to think of myself being included)
and walked the survivor lap (it was wonderful visiting with my grandma during this time)
followed by the care givers lap
and team lap.

Grandma Betty and I got to enjoy our survivor cupcakes to celebrate the night.
Mom and I enjoyed walking tacos for dinner before walking several laps
with other family members that were there.
Loved seeing these two guys!
It was really nice to catch up with them and enjoy the beautiful evening.
It wasn't long and they started to light the luminaries.
That is one of my favorite parts of the whole night!
It is really beautiful to walk through the park once they are all lit.

After walking a few more laps with them lit it was time to head out.
We had plans to participate in a local bike ride Saturday morning so
I still had to drive the two hours home.
Saturday morning came with a bit of frustration-
someone thought the ride started at 9:30 when it actually started at 8
and it was already 7:50.
I guess Minds In Motion is just not meant to be for our family!
We made the best of it and headed out for a 6+ mile run.
Turns out the run was just what I needed after the crazy and emotional week I had!

I had to work again on Sunday but we made the best of it
by getting out for a great family bike ride once I got home!
What a great way to spend some time together on Father's Day!
I love seeing my boys relationship with their dad!
Tim is an amazing father
and is such a great role model for them!
I am honored and blessed that I get to share this crazy adventure
with him and our three amazing boys!
I see magic every time I look at them!

Our weekend was crazy
but wonderful at the same time!
Some people say that just listening to our schedule exhausts them
but we wouldn't have it any other way!
We are living life and enjoying all of the magical moments along the way!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rise and Shine

School is out and it is officially summer break!
Baseball is in "full swing"
with both Riley and Isaac playing on traveling tournament teams.

Isaac after a second place finish in a local tournament.

Riley in action- love that my boys love to catch since that was the position that I played.
Pretty much every day of the week is baseball for us-
practices and league games during the week for Riley and Isaac.
Tournaments most weekends.
Aidan will also be joining in the mix with his first year of t-ball.
We are going to eat, sleep, and breathe baseball this summer!
But I wouldn't want it any other way!
I love the craziness that summer brings
because I love that my boys are active
and love playing baseball as much as they do.
They are so passionate about baseball
and it is so much fun to see the progress each year-
 heck, with each game!
It is already clear
that all of the craziness
 is going to make it even more difficult
 to get our workouts in.
Running = sanity for me
so we needed to figure out a solution to this problem.
I am not a morning person
but we decided that the only way
to ensure that we got our workouts in
was to "Rise and Shine"
and get it done before the craziness started for the day!
Today was DAY 1
and I survived...
and may have actually liked it a little.
There wasn't as much talking between the two of us
but it was cooler (a little refreshing actually),
the birds were singing
and it was wonderful to run on fresh legs!
Now it is done and out of the way
and I have been very productive already this morning...
now to keep up the momentum for the rest of the day.