Today was one of those days that had me feeling defeated and like I was just not enough. I knew enough to take the first step of taking a break and stepping away from the situation in order to reset myself. Then I found myself wanting to eat all of the things that I knew I shouldn't. Wait a minute, let me flip that thinking - I wanted to eat all of the things that I knew wouldn't help me reach my goals. Maybe someone should come remove the chocolate chips from my house so they don't tempt me in the future! Anyway, this is definitely a habit that I am working hard to break. I am trying to have a healthy relationship with food and instead of using it as a coping mechanism, I am trying to develop a relationship of food being fuel. But it is hard!
Instead of reaching for those darn chocolate chips or an oversized serving of trail mix, I ate a healthy lunch. Then, I took another step that can be hard for me - I reached out for help! Over the past few months I have been challenged by some of my leadership team to allow myself to open up and be vulnerable. I have to admit it is hard for me to do that with more than a few close friends or family. But, I took a step back and asked myself what I would say to one of our members if they were coming to me saying these things and then I posted a quick message in our private members only page. I put it out there that I was on the struggle bus today and asked for help/suggestions and it didn't hurt one bit. I was a little nervous or anxious but I got some really helpful ideas.
- drinking water
- going for a walk
- making a smoothie
- adding lemon to warm water
- reflecting on what I am avoiding or not dealing with
- walking with music
- fresh air
- eating fruit or a smoothie
- chewing gum
- taking a step back to think about how those foods that I am wanting will make me feel and really thinking through if I still want it bad enough to feel that way
- Protein shake or protein balls
- calling a friend
- cleaning a closet for distraction
- drink a warm cup of tea
journaling and hot tea for the win
Most days I would go for a walk, hike or even a quick bike ride but it is frigid out so that was off my list for today (note to self: get my bike set up in the trainer so I can do that in the future if needed). Instead, I made a yummy cup of hot tea and took a few minutes to chill on the couch with my pups. I took some time and reflected on how I was feeling and why. I did a little journaling to get my thoughts on paper and out of my head. I spent a few minutes chatting with a coworker/friend who knew exactly how I was feeling and we worked through some of it together. By the end of the conversation we were ready to pull up our big girl panties and move forward - pity party OVER!
Sometimes we just have to be brave enough to take these steps. Take some time to rest and adjust in order to reset and move forward.
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