Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I am grateful for...

So far today has been a great day-
Day off of work = great workout day!
I got the boys off to school
and headed straight to The Y
where I got in a nice 5K run
and followed that with my favorite yoga class.
I ran into a friend
and was tempted to swim but decided
that yoga was just what I needed
after not being able to attend in nearly a month.
It really is a great workout
and always leaves me feeling
more relaxed and balanced.
I am grateful for such a great morning-
getting active, finding peace, and getting things done!
Now it is time for today's gratitude challenge exercise...
Gratitude Challenge, Day 3:
"Today I want you to write about 5 friends you are grateful for and why. If you would like to take it a step further- tell them. Write a handwritten note to tell them you are grateful for them and why. A handwritten note means so much in today's virtual world."
I am really struggling with today's exercise not so much the having friends part but the best way to approach it. I have so many wonderful friends that I am incredibly grateful for. I really don't feel comfortable putting names in my post and picking just five. I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings if I missed them or didn't pick them for the post. I have completed this exercise in my journal but I am going to go a different route for my blog post.
Like I said, I have many friends that I am incredibly grateful for. In thinking about it more this morning while doing my journal, these people are friends on many different levels and in different categories in my life. Some friends may fall into multiple categories but in general these are all people that I have built a genuine connection with. They have my back and I have theirs. They are all people that I totally and completely trust and respect.
Best friends/lifetime friends- This is by far the smallest group! These are the people that know me the best and on the deepest level. They have been by my side through the most crappy times and have been there for the best times. There are a few people in this category that have been in my life the longest and really know where I have come from in life. We may not see each other every day or even every week but we are always in touch and can pick right up where we leave off. I am so grateful for these people in my life because they are my biggest supporters in ALL that I do. They encourage me, push me, listen to me and are there for me to lean on. I could never say enough about how much these people mean to me!
Mom friends- This group is growing as each of the boys are participating in more and more activities and as they are beginning to be with the same kids more. This is a very special group of friends! They understand the demands of being a busy, working mom and trying to fit it all in. They have been there to help support me in so many ways- from helping drive kids to keeping kids overnight to help get them to games/activities. At times these friends are just as much of a parent to my kids as I am. I look up to so many friends in this group and hope to be as great of a parent to my kids as I witness them being to theirs. The level of contact with these friends tends to change with the seasons but many of them are always around in some capacity. I am incredibly grateful for the friends in this group and all of the support and love they have given to me and my family!
Work friends- What fun would work be without these people?  It isn't always about fun though... these friends are people that I know have my back when it comes to work related issues. How would I get through the long 12 hour shifts without these people? These friends have supported me in so many ways. They have been there when I needed a trade or time off. They have been available when I have had questions. They listen to me whether it's an interesting story or to vent. They let me bounce ideas off of them and help give me ideas when I need to figure something out. They help me see the bright side of various situations. They encourage me and care about helping to make me better in my job and as a person. These are the people at work who have taken time to get to know me as a person and ask about my family. They remember things that I am doing and then ask about them. I am very grateful for all that these friends do to help make all of the time that I spend at work the best that it can be. 
I am blessed beyond belief with some wonderful friends! I can only hope that I am being that much of a blessing back to them!!! I can't even begin express my gratitude for all of these wonderful people in my life. I hope that the things that I have said above do them justice and you can bet that over the next few weeks I will be expressing my gratitude in person and/or in writing.

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