Happy Easter!
I keep seeing everyone posting great pictures of their families all dressed up for Easter.
With my family out of town this is the best I can do.... a picture of my Easter Peeps! |
I am one of the unlucky ones who has to work all weekend so my family headed back to Iowa to celebrate without me. Earlier in the week Isaac was very disappointed that he would miss the traditional egg hunt at Grandma Betty's farm so Tim and I discussed it and decided that it wasn't fair for everyone to miss the fun just because I had to work. It kind of sucks being stuck at home alone for a holiday but I hate to make them all miss it! I am happy to hear that they are having a great time and I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it once they return home.
The hubby and me after our longest run ever- notice we are still smiling:) |
Yesterday before my husband and boys took off for Iowa, Tim and I got in our longest run so far- 16 miles! It was a beautiful day to get outside and it actually felt pretty good. What a great way to spend uninterrupted time with my husband! After a bunch of research and talking to a few other successful marathoners we decided to try a 4:1 run/walk for this training run to see how it would go. We loved it! We have always felt like we have to run the whole distance but after spectating a few marathons we realized that people DO walk and it is OK! They still completed the marathon! We are working on changing our mind-set and yesterday's run proved to us that it is the right decision. Our goal is to finish the marathon, not qualify for Boston, and we think this is going to be the best avenue to help make that happen. We were able to maintain an average 10:06 pace for the 16 mile run - much faster than other shorter training runs. We ran faster during our 4 minute run times than we normally would because we had the minute to recover and at the end of the 16 miles we still felt pretty strong and coul ha've kept going. My legs felt like I had done a tough workout but they weren't shot. After reviewing our splits for the run we have decided that this will be our plan of attack for the marathon.
What are your Easter traditions?
What do you think about run/walk for a marathon?
Bummer you had to work! Great job on the long run! I think it's ok to walk, depending on the persons goals! It's still 13.1 or 26.2, walking or running!! I wanted to run the entire half but that was a personal preference/goal!!