Friday, March 1, 2013

Fabulous February

February was a very busy month but I have to say it was great! It feels so good to look back at all that I accomplished over the month and see how far I have come since my surgery that was almost two months ago already!
I did a lot of this!
Here are my totals for the month of February:
  • 188 miles total
  • 72 miles running
  • 112 miles biking
  • 3 miles swimming
  • 3 yoga classes
  • 2 water exercise classes
During the month of February I really tried to push myself and step it up a notch. When I was running on the treadmill I made myself start at a faster pace and I bumped up my speed faster during my runs. I always ended with a sprint at the end. By the end of the month my starting speed and ending speeds were much faster.

I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried some new classes. I found that I LOVE yoga and am excited to continue my practice and see how my body will change by adding it in the mix. I also found a new HIIT water class that I really enjoyed. I look forward to trying new classes and expanding my horizons this year.

Tim and I both successfully participated in the Indoor Ironman over the month. The biking portion was a challenge but we did it! I feel great looking back at the effort that I put into it- in the end it was worth it because we proved to ourselves that we could make it happen!

It wasn't always easy but it was SO worth it!
I can't forget one of the biggest accomplishments during the month of February- we signed up for our first marathon!! I am already nervous and it isn't until May! I am also excited to have this goal and journey ahead of me. Tim and I will continue to train for it together and I look forward to that time with him. Stay tuned for more!

Over the past month I set lots of goals- some that I reached and some that I didn't. That is the way it goes and that is what makes us stronger. I am not perfect but I am making progress on what I want. I learned from the goals that I didn't reach and I will reach them in the future. It is easy to get discouraged but I am learning that all of my efforts are helping me get where I want to be!

What did you accomplish during the month of February? What goals are you working towards?

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