THIRTEEN years ago today I became a mom for the first time. Riley couldn't wait any longer to take on the world and surprised us by coming into our lives 16 days early. I will never forget that day or even the couple of days leading up to and following.
That Monday my mom was in town to visit and got to come to one of my doctor's appointments and then we spent the day together at a wonderful baby shower hosted by my amazing co-workers at the Mason City Youth Task Force. Tuesday I went to work like normal and got home and was able to finish writing out all of the thank you notes for the shower and then spent some time outside with our wonderful neighbors watching the high school baseball game directly across the street from our house. We headed off to bed like normal not knowing that our normal was about to change. I woke up at midnight and my water broke. We called the hospital and they told us to make our way in. We arrived at the hospital about 1-1:30 AM and then for the rest of the night NOTHING happened! We waited and waited. Riley finally made his way into the world later that evening with the CMA Music Awards playing in the background (hey, maybe that is why he is drawn to music and always has to be humming!?!). We had a pretty good stay in the hospital and had many great visitors. Upon being released from the hospital we had to make a pit stop at Target because he was so much smaller than we had anticipated! This kid needed preemie size clothes because he was swimming in the newborn ones that we had taken to the hospital with us. We were only home for a few days when we had to make a visit back to the hospital for a bili check (it was Memorial Day weekend so we had to go there instead of the clinic to have it done) and we ended up having to stay because his levels were too high. We got to spend 24 hours with him under the lights! After that the days get a little fuzzier as we fell into our new normal.
Once again, here is a trip down memory lane through the lens of my camera... this time with Riley as the star of the show!
2010 |
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WOW! We have a teenager in the house! How can that even be true? It is crazy how much he has changed in the past few years and I am sure he will change even more in the next few! What an amazing young man he is becoming!
Here is my interview with Riley at age 13...
- Name: Riley Owen
How old are you? 13 years old
What is your favorite thing to do? play baseball
Who is your best friend? Henning
What is your favorite color? Orange or purple
What is your favorite food? Pizza- supreme
What do you like to do with your family? go on vacation
What is your favorite toy? my fishing pole (surprising... I would have guessed the iPod that seems to be glued to his hands)
What do you want to be when you grow up? an engineer (build bridges)
What makes you happy? playing baseball
What makes you sad? when I lose a really big fish when out fishing
What is your favorite show? Ice Cold Gold
What is your favorite book? Caught
What do you love to learn about? math
Where do you like to go? the lake (Lake of the Ozarks)
Who is your teacher? Ms. Chaouki (Algebra)
What is your favorite treat? Scotcharoos
What do you think about before you fall asleep? I never remember those things.
What sport do you like best? baseball
What are you really good at? baseball
What would you buy if you had $1000? I would buy a paddleboard.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? chocolate
Who is your biggest hero? Jonathon Lucroy
What do you hope you'll get to do before your next birthday? learn how to wakeboard
What do you like to do best with your friends? play baseball and fish
What is your favorite song? Cruise by Florida Georgia Line
I am very proud because.... I am in Algebra.
I am afraid to.... go up really high without a harness.
Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you wanted to. What are some of the things that you would do? I would sneak on a plane to Mexico and go on vacation.
Pretend that you can fly whenever you wanted. Where would you go? I would go to Italy.
Where do you want to go on vacation? Mexico again
What is your favorite thing to do with Mom or Dad? Do stuff outside and our workouts at the Y.
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