Last time I looked at the calendar
we still had a whole week left of
The leaves have hardly changed
and we still have lots on the trees around here.
We have also seen SNOW flurries a couple of times already!
What the heck?
Is Mother-Nature confused?
Where did our fall go?
I guess it is coming to an end faster than I would like.
I love living somewhere that we have all four seasons-
I just wish the winter one didn't have to be so long
or start so early this year.
I should have known it was coming though..
it always does!
Other than the cold and snow flurries
another sign that winter is coming is that
football ended this past weekend for my boys.
The last games of the season are played on the local high school field
and they have player introductions.
The older kids (5th & 6th Grade tackle) play under the lights
and there is an announcer for the games-
it is a big deal for the kids.
It is also a lot of fun for us as parents.
It was a chilly fall day
and it rained off and on
so we were worried about game time.
Isaac's game was up first
and the rained stopped just in time.
It was chilly but at least we were dry!
He did a great job playing in a variety of spots.
He was so proud to have some good runs with the ball.
3rd & 4th Grade Flag Football 10-19-13 |
Isaac's team had a great season and ended it with a win!
We are so proud of how great Isaac did this year!
As the game was ending it started to rain.
By the time we made it home-
(6-7 blocks) it was pouring.
We warmed up and got some dinner
and then it was back to the stadium for Riley's game.
Once again we got lucky and the rain had stopped!
He started at 7:45 PM so you can imagine that the temperature
was even lower than it had been earlier.
Wool socks, cuddle duds, winter coat, hat, and mittens were required!
They did player introductions and got the game started.
It is amazing how far these boys have come over the years!
For Riley and several others this was the last game through Park & Rec.
Next year they will be playing Middle School Football.
5th & 6th Grade Tackle Football- 10-19-13
Riley's last Park & Rec Football game :( |
It was fun to see the boys getting "pumped" up before the game.
Riley was a big part of the pounding on other's pads and yelling to get them going-
it was wonderful to see him becoming a leader on the team and having such a great attitude.
Riley started the first half
and I was surprised to see him, my peanut of a boy, playing "Center"!
At least I knew what was expected of him in that position
as that is where Tim played all through High School.
Riley played a variety of other positions as well
and did a great job where ever he was put!
In the second half Riley didn't start but went in and out.
In the end it was great because they tricked the other team and he ended up
with a 45-50 yard touch-down run that nobody could catch him on!
It was so fun to see him make such a great play and to see how proud he was.
Riley's team had a great season
and they too ended it with a win- 20-0!
With all of this football talk I can't forget Aidan.
He was such a good sport about
having to go to all of his big brother's games!
He even got into the spirit and fun of the games under the lights.
Aidan did a great job this fall of being flexible and supporting his brothers!
His turn to play flag football will be coming soon enough.
The award for best supportive brother goes to... Aidan! |
Next up...
you probably already saw the candy dilemma
that I got into at work on Monday night.
This bowl of candy
was sitting
literally 2 feet away from me
I have to admit that I did have ONE
Reese's Peanut butter cup
before I posted the above picture on Facebook
and asked for help to keep me from digging in and having more.
Just knowing that I had put it out there that I was trying to stay away
really helped me stay motivated to not have more-
that and chewing mint gum!
It was also ironic that as I was passing time surfing Facebook
I came across this picture-
What a slap in the face!
Just when I NEEDED it most!
With help from friends that I reached out to
and after seeing this it was pretty easy to stick to my guns
and not have any more.
I do have a bigger 'yes' burning inside of me and I was successful that night.
That should be enough but it is still hard!
There are always treats at work (from patients and/or staff)
and this time of year it only gets worse.
I understand where people are coming from-
either they are trying to get it out of their house
(I have been guilty of this in the past),
they are trying to be nice and bring a treat,
or they are trying to help lighten the mood after some rough shifts.
I am trying to prepare myself to be better and
I would love to hear any tips and/or tricks
that you use when you find yourself in
this type of dilemma.
That bigger 'yes' should be enough-
sometimes in the heat of the moment it is easier to change those priorities.
I need to keep this picture with me when I am at work!
Now it is your turn! I would love to hear from you!!!
Do you get to enjoy four seasons where you are?
Has winter started to move in?
What tips/tricks do you have for staying away from temptations?