I am not afraid to admit that I didn't do well on my goals last week and it feels like it is becoming a pattern that needs to be broken! I am not going to report back on my goals and I am not creating new goals for this week. I am taking this chance to re-evaluate and start again! Life happened last week and we took time to enjoy it!
It has been crazy busy with getting the boys where they need to be and making arrangements to coordinate with others to help us out but it has been so worth it. It has been so much fun watching them play baseball this summer! It has also been fun getting to know the other families and spending time with these new friends. I am not sure if I am ready for the season to be over next week or not. I will be ready to slow down a bit for a few weeks at least and it will be nice to have normal family dinners again but we will really miss watching them and spending time with all of the great families that we have met this summer.
The last several weeks have also been busy because the boys have been doing summer school. These are fun, enrichment type classes that they have been really enjoying. Isaac has been taking a kids cooking class and has discovered a real love for cooking. He is coming home every afternoon with new things that he has made and is excited to share with us. Riley has been taking a couple of classes that have been getting him use to being in the middle school and helping him to know what to expect this fall. He also continues with his saxophone lessons. He is starting to really impress me with the improvements that he has made. He is really enjoying the saxophone and I think we are starting to enjoy listening to him practice!
It is so much fun to see the boys learning new things and being active! I do have to admit that at times I feel completely overwhelmed by getting them where they need to be and making sure they have what they need while at the same time trying to prepare meals, entertain Aidan, get my workouts in, clean, do laundry, work, etc. I am sure it is only going to get busier as they get older and we also start to throw activities for Aidan into the mix. I do what I need to do to get it all done! At the end of the day this is how I feel:
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Is balance in life possible? |
Because of all this craziness I am really struggling to find balance! I don't know if this is even something that is attainable or if I am always going to feel like I am searching for it. I realize that at different points in time there are different priorities- I am still trying to figure out how to focus on the top priorities without losing myself and focus on the day to day priorities. I really hope this makes sense! Maybe this is just me feeling overwhelmed and out of control right now. I feel like there are so many things to do that I can't do any of them well! If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them! Maybe I just need to get into a better routine and be more organized!
I think I struggle with all of this because I want to give my kids a good life and I want to be a good, healthy example for them (and maybe I am a bit of a perfectionist as well). I feel guilty when something has to get pushed aside even though I know it should be a priority. Lately I feel like it has been my workouts and my focus on a healthy lifestyle that has been getting pushed aside. I am going to take the next few days to get a new plan in place to refocus and start again. I am also going to take the following advice:
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the past is in the past- time to move forward |
No more excuses! I got in my own way and it is time to fix that! I am not perfect and I have plenty of flaws but I am working on accepting that and moving on.
For me there are routine reminders! I had a three month follow-up with my surgeon this morning and I am happy to report that everything continues to look great! I feel super emotional on days when I have any of these follow-up appointments because my mind tends to go back to December/January when I wondered, "what if". It is still so fresh in my mind and it continues to scare me all the time but I am not going to let that hold me back!